The guy who killed several people in Norway and who two court-psychiatrists considered crazy doesn't seem crazy at all: he has a huge 2083 manifesto and also this quote:
“Before we can do anything, there must be a we.”
And this we is made from a tight-knit group of persons, for instance they would prefer to live in the 1950's Europe, where there was no promiscuity and weird ideas about homosexuality and love, where women wouldn't get to keep their children in case of divorce, in order to keep them from wanting a divorce! A culture idolizing power and ruled by powerful males, unencumbered by matriarchal influences. Later on (p. 1176) a revealing passage exposes the "myth" about love:
"The myth about marriages based on love must be deconstructed
The illusion about love in a relationship between a man and a woman is the sum of
irrational feelings based on desire. When love fades, and it always does, there is little to
hold the relationship together. The mass media has been allowed to condition people to
believe in a myth that does not exist. A marriage must be forged as an institution for the
raising of children. Marriage must be based on a specific agreement between a man and
a woman who creates an advanced pact which must have a minimum validity of at least
20 years. This pact must be forged upon the mutual interest to achieve a goal based on
cooperation, on friendship, proper communication and on mutual respect - not on love.
The irrational emotions known as desire are often mistaken as love. Irrational desire
must never be the fundament of marriage, however love may eventually come, and it is
something that is built over time.
The problem in our society is that the people are deliberately misguided by the media,
who for various reasons have built a myth and several misconceptions about love. A large
proportion of people who get married are set to fail due to these misconceptions. And it
is not necessarily their fault as they have been misguided by the media and society in
general who are building and continue to maintain false illusions.
The media should not be allowed to continue to misguide people by propagating lies as it
ruins a massive amount of relationships and marriages. The truth about love must
become the new concept and norm:
Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about
how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end! As for
marriages, a man has to realise that marriage is not an institution for unlimited sex, but
an institution for raising children. This must be taught to people from childhood so they
make fewer mistakes later. Too many people spend their whole life and all their resources
to look for a white rabbit that does not exist. Telling people the truth is the only right
thing to do as it will not only benefit the individual, but society as well."
I am sure that this works well for many people let them have it! But why should I, who don't agree with this, be forced to accept this particular interpretation of what life is for and how it should be lived? Now, any culture who wants to force its ideals on others must be ready for the fight-back. And if these guys are willing to kill anyone who doesn't agree with them, why shouldn't they receive what they are willing to give so generously?
These guys criticize Islam for forcing their culture through violence, but that is precisely what they're doing, they are forcing their ideas on everyone else!
This does not mean that everything they say is wrong. There are many things there that should be discussed and thought about by the public at large. But that should happen in the public arena, presenting facts, arguments and realistic alternatives together with an analysis of their pros and cons. We need a scientific man, not a tribal woosh-woosh branding their arms and weapons.
But whoever is willing to hit and to make violence his main compelling instrument (instead of reason) must be prepared to be hit back. And we should hit this guy really, really bad. He should die at least as badly as the people who died at his hands. Justice as we have it doesn't apply to these kinds of guys. We need to get Medieval on his... (Pulp Fiction quote).
No more "mr. nice guy" with guys that are not nice...
(How can these guys fail to devise the most obvious thing of all: that they are exactly like the people they are criticizing and fighting against, it's only superficial things that change, like the name, rituals and words, the authoritarian base is exactly the same, terrorism, proposed state organization, rule of the stronger, etc, included.)
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